Produse pentru preț unic pvc (24)

Profile din plastic extrudat

Profile din plastic extrudat

Extruded sections – plastic profiles, handles, and hoses manufactured by extrusion from various materials (PVC, PE, PP, ABS, and TPE) with different physical characteristics, in different shapes and colours, with different finalization (cutting, coating, printing, embossing, marking).
Profile și țevi din plastic - Profile și țevi din plastic de înaltă calitate din China

Profile și țevi din plastic - Profile și țevi din plastic de înaltă calitate din China

Ming Xiao Manufacturing Co Ltd ist spezialisiert auf Kunststoffextrusionsprofile, Rohre, Stangen, Schienen, LED-Lampenschirm, Kabelkanäle, Lautsprecherkörper, Arten von Schalen und Objektträgern. Wir können Kunststoffextrudionsprodukte aus Materialien aus PVC, ABS, PP, PE herstellen. PC, PMMA, AS / PE ... Die Kunststoff-Extrusionsprofile werden häufig für Autoteile, Stadtbahnzüge, Lampen und Laternen, die Kühlindustrie, elektrische Haushaltsgeräte, Schreibwaren, Lager und andere Unternehmen verwendet, um qualitativ hochwertige Unterstützungsdienste bereitzustellen. Wenn Sie Kunststoffextrusionsprofile benötigen, senden Sie uns bitte Ihre Zeichnungen und Muster für ein Angebot.


It is a material with a high resistance to chemicals. Its specific weight is low. It is a slippery material with a low coefficient of friction. The water and moisture absorption property is close to zero. It can be used as cutting plate especially in industrial kitchens and butcher cutting log. It has the ability to be welded. The element that characterizes polyethylene is the molecular weight. Low molecular weight can be grouped into three groups: low molecular weight (PE 300), high molecular weight (PE 500) and ultra high molecular weight (PE 1000).
PVC Lambri-1

PVC Lambri-1

PVC Boyalı-Renkli-Kaplamalı, Fugalı veya Düz modelli Lambriler
PVC Uneplas

PVC Uneplas

Solvent cement for rigid PVC pipes and accessories in pressure systems. 2 year shelf life. Thixotropic
Profile din Plastic Tehnic

Profile din Plastic Tehnic

Technische Kunststoffprofile
Pervazuri PVC - Pervazuri UPVC pentru interior

Pervazuri PVC - Pervazuri UPVC pentru interior

Pvc window sills are important to do design and functionality of the windows
50.5002.00 - Adeziv PVC

50.5002.00 - Adeziv PVC

50.5002.00 - PVC-Kleber
umbrele de marcă - Parfi

umbrele de marcă - Parfi

parapluies de marques
Adeziv poliuretanic

Adeziv poliuretanic

Poliuretano (5,0 kg) + endurecedor (0,7 kg) es decir, un kit de 5,7 kg Aplicaciones: Para todos los revestimientos de suelos interiores o exteriores de caucho, en losetas o en rollo, las moquetas y los céspedes sintéticos. Ventajas: Apto para el encolado de numerosos revestimientos y sobre soportes tales como hormigón y aglomerados. Recomendado para los usos intensivos. Gracias a su flexibilidad, puede ser sometido a importantes variaciones de temperatura
Produse semifinite extrudate - Bare extrudate din PCTFE și FEP

Produse semifinite extrudate - Bare extrudate din PCTFE și FEP

SPN continues to expend its range of products to better meet your needs. Since 2016, SPN proposes semi-finished in shapes of rods from diameter 5 to diameter 20. These rods can be delivered in length of 1, 2 or 3 meters depending of your request.
Adhesiv pe o singură parte pentru PRODUCĂTORII DE PIELĂ

Adhesiv pe o singură parte pentru PRODUCĂTORII DE PIELĂ

One Side Adhesive for LEATHER'S PRODUCERS The NEOPRENE ONE WAY is a plychloroprene adhesive adapt for LEATHER'S PRODUCERS and GIUNETRIA in particular in the case where you want apply the glue only in a side. Used for the construction of insoles in shoes too. It has high viscosity. High bond strength. CHARACTERISTICS : Viscosity : 2800 +/- 100 cPs Opened Time : 30 - 60 Minutes USING INSTRUCTIONS : Apply an homogeneous coat upon one of the two parts has to be sticked, let it dries for at least 10 - 15 minutes and join the two parts with hands, hammer or with a press. To dilute the PRODUCT, use SOLVENT P or SOLVENT M. The products has to be conserved in the original tins well closed and in a cool and dry place. N.B.: All the indications over reported are without obligation and warranty. PACKAGING : Kg 800 - Kg 200 - Kg 40 - Kg 15 - Kg 9 Kg 4 - Kg 1 .
Vopsea Clorcauciuc pentru Pardoseli si Trafic EMEX   - Vopsea clorcauciuc pentru pardoseli si trafic Emex

Vopsea Clorcauciuc pentru Pardoseli si Trafic EMEX - Vopsea clorcauciuc pentru pardoseli si trafic Emex

Vopseaua Clorcauciuc pentru Pardoseli EMEX este un produs monocomponent, profesional, pe baza de emulsii de cauciuc clorurat, pigmenti, aditivi, plastifianti si solventi specifici, cu adaos de alfa corindon sau faina de cuartz pentru duritate. Produsul, foarte rezistent atat la apa cat si la frecare sau abraziune, are ca destinatie principala vopsirea pardoselilor din beton, fie pentru protejare, fie doar pentru marcare (eventual cu adaos de micro-perle din sticla). Vopseaua Clorcauciuc poate fi colorata in orice nuanta a cartelei RAL. Caracteristici principale: - Produs agrementat sanitar; - Aderenta ridicata la suport; - Aplicare si intretinere usoara; - Duritate excelenta; - Putere mare de acoperire; - Rezistenta mare la abraziune; - Rezistenta excelenta la uzura; - Rezistenta mare la agenti corozivi; - Rezistenta mare la intemperii, factori chimici, frecare.
Innolux Primer - Acoperiri UV de Înaltă Soliditate

Innolux Primer - Acoperiri UV de Înaltă Soliditate

Walzgrund für Holz auf Basis UV-vernetzbarer Polyacrylatharze; verleiht UV-AC-Walzlackaufbauten eine ausgezeichnete Haftung zum Untergrund bei starker mechanischer Belastung. Innolux Primer Auftragsart Walzen
Culori și Vopsele

Culori și Vopsele

Vor dem Verschönern von Wänden, Decken und anderen Flächen stellt sich zunächst die Frage, welche Materialien benötigt werden. Farbe ist nicht gleich Farbe, denn Farben differieren in der Qualität. Für die Fassade ist es beispielsweise entscheidend, eine Fassadenfarbe zu nehmen, die über lange Zeit gegen Regenwasser, Schmutz und Algen resistent ist. Wir haben selbstverständlich auch bei Innenfarben, Lacken und Grundierungen zahlreiche kostengünstige Qualitäts-Artikel im Sortiment. Dazu zählt auch der vielfältige Malerbedarf für spezielle Zwecke wie Renovierungsarbeiten und Oberflächenbeschichtungen.
Profile din Plastic

Profile din Plastic

Produkte in Form von Profilen (Leisten, Quader, Dichtung, Röhrchen, Schläuche, Spiralen, Schnüre usw.) finden unter anderem Anwendung in der Möbel-, Elektro-, Automobil-, Bauindustrie. Wir stellen die Profile durch Extrusion und Koextrusion aus verschiedenen Materialien her: • NOVOPLAST® – PVC weich • NOVODUR® – PVC hart • PP, LD-PE, HD-PE, PS, ABS, TPE, PA, usw. Die gepressten Produkte lassen sich direkt in den Produktionslinien finalisieren: in die geforderte Länge teilen, ausschneiden, zuschneiden, mit Klebeband bekleben,
PVC Noua Epocă

PVC Noua Epocă

New generation solvent cement for rigid PVC pipes in pressure systems. Suitable for use in drinking water systems. THF-free. 2 year shelf life. Thixotropic.
PVC Flexibil

PVC Flexibil

Blue gel solvent cement for rigid and flexible PVC PIPES in pressure systems. Also suitable for use on ABS. Non- drip. THF–free.
Adhesive Plychloroprene pentru Tălpi din Piele - Adhesive Plychloroprene pentru Tălpi din Piele pentru Încălțăminte

Adhesive Plychloroprene pentru Tălpi din Piele - Adhesive Plychloroprene pentru Tălpi din Piele pentru Încălțăminte

Leather Sole Adhesive The NEOPRENE 1 is a plychloroprene adhesive with high crystallization used for cold sticking of LEATHER SOLES, for the assembly of the GUARDOLO and for the to pair LEATHER-LEATHER and LEATHER-TUNITH. High bond strenght. CHARACTERISTICS : Viscosity : 2800 +/- 100 cPs Opened Time : 15 - 30 Minutes USING INSTRUCTIONS : Apply an homogeneous coat upon the two parts has to be stickked, let them dry for at least 10 - 15 minutes and join the two parts with hands, hammer or with a press. To dilute the PRODUCT, use SOLVENT P or SOLVENT M. The products has to be conserved in the original tins well closed and in a cool and dry place. N.B.: All the indications over reported are without obligation and warranty. PACKAGINGS : Kg 800 - Kg 200 - Kg 40 - Kg 15 - Kg 9 Kg 4 - Kg 1
Produse din plastic - Sisteme de combustibil

Produse din plastic - Sisteme de combustibil

Plastics : PTFE, POM H, Silicone, LEXAN®, KAPTON®, ARALDITE®, Impregnated glass cloths …
PTFE - Pentru temperaturi ridicate

PTFE - Pentru temperaturi ridicate

Adaptés aux hautes températures, le PTFE - Polytétrafluoroéthène - aussi connu sous le nom de Téflon. Il possède une bonne résistance aux produits chimiques et un faible coefficient de frottement. le PTFE est donc utilisé dans l'industrie pour des joints d'étanchéité, des membranes ou des isolations électriques. SPN pourra vous fournir des bandes traitées collables ou des pièces et semi-produits en PTFE chargés carbone, graphite, nickel, chrome, fibre de verre et autres compounds spécifiques.
Produse din plastic - Izolator electric de înaltă tensiune

Produse din plastic - Izolator electric de înaltă tensiune

Plastiques : PSU, POM C, PA 6.6, PC, PEEK, PFA, PMMA, Toile bakélite …
Semi-produse Extrudate - Bare extrudate PTFCE și FEP

Semi-produse Extrudate - Bare extrudate PTFCE și FEP

SPN continue d'élargir sa gamme de produits pour toujours mieux répondre à vos besoins. Depuis 2016, SPN propose des semi-produits sous forme de joncs - aussi appelés barres ou bâtons, du diamètre 5 au diamètre 20. Ces bâtons sont livrables en barre de 1, 2 ou 3 mètres selon votre demande.